Leading @ Work makes sense, but how do I Lead @ Home?
The word leadership triggers images of people in formal business attire, busyness and boardrooms. Action phrases spring to mind, like: “Take charge!”; “Lead by example”; “Get it done!”.
Leading makes total sense at work, but is the word leadership even applicable at home? COVID19 shifted the work-life balance, maybe tipped the scale in a lot of households.
Let’s take a reality check and balance the scale.
What will you receive for your investment in yourself?
- 90 Minutes of interactive coaching on the topic
- 10 Principles to follow when Leading @ Home
- Practical tips for leading well
- Help on defining a new vision for your home leadership
- A free download of the Leading @ Home Cheat Sheet to set you up for success
- Access to our team of coaches for additional EI Activation because we know how to empower your potential and grow your life!
“If I have learned anything in this long life of mine, it is this: in love we find out who we want to be; in war we find out who we are.”
- Kristin Hannah
Maybe home is the last place you want to be right now. Or maybe you do not want the lockdown to end? What is for sure is that COVID19 is a test.
- A test of faith
- A test of family values and principles
- A relationship or marriage test perhaps
- Any other tests? You tell me.
How are you scoring? Can you do better? Most importantly, do you want to do better?
If your answer is "YES!" then take the next step and subscribe. Only you have the power to re-balance the scale.
Book today.. and learn how to balance the scales!
90 minutes of interactive coaching on the topic
10 Principles to follow when leading @ Home
Practical tips for leading well
Help on defining a new vision for your home leadership
A free download of the Leading @ Home Cheat Sheet to set you up for success
Access to our team of coaches for additional EI Activation because we know how to empower your potential and grow your life!
Digital Certificate and Badge to add to your LInkedIn and Social Media Accounts

Get an exclusive sneak peak on our soon-to-be launched EI Activator Report
Meet the Founders behind this world-class, unique and one-of-a-kind Emotional Intelligence Report that is practical, hands-on and highly engaging!