In decision-making you want to be firmer and faster, surer and smarter, brighter and righter (it’s a real word – use it anytime!)
Decisions are easy, until we discover we made the wrong one – again! We have all made calculation errors based on faulty decision-making habits. We have blind spots that are deeply rooted in our personality DNA, also known as temperament (one of our favorite words).
Those blind spots can do what blind spots do when you travel fast in the fast lane – get you into a MOAA (mother of all accidents).
You don’t want that..
How do you guarantee that you’ll make righter decisions next time?
What you can expect..
- 90 minutes of brighter-and-righter-decision-making development with an experienced coach
- No one-size-fits-all hacks that you could have pulled off Google yourself. The EIA team never buys or sells one-size-fits-all advice or yoga pants. You know why – neither fits right.
- Live discovery and casting out of your decision-making demons (I have them; you have them; we all have them)
- Rewiring of your decision-making mechanism – now implementing 10 new proven strategies.
- Individualized application of these strategies to your personality and leadership type and to the big decisions on your table today.
- A free download of a decision-making guide for a lifetime of saving time, money and face. #wecareaboutyourface
- Access to our team of coaches for additional EI Activation, because we know how to empower your potential and grow your life!
- MOAA-insurance – kind of, depending on whether you implement what you’ve learned
This Masterclass hands you the little mirror that can see into your blind spot..
to avoid the MOAA (Mother of All Accidents) in the fast lane.
The EIA (that is us – the Emotional Intelligence Activator Team) have learned decision-making lessons the hard way – costly mistakes, time-consuming research and humbling do-overs.
Don’t do that..
Do the masterclass instead.
It will save money, time and face.

Make Better Decisions Today Masterclass
You deserve to know what's your decision-making blind spot.
Yes, let's do this!Book today.. and we will throw in that mirror - metaphorically, of course!
90-minute brighter-and-righter-decision-making development
No one-size-fits-all hacks
Discovery and casting out of your decision-making demons
Rewiring your decision-making mechanism
Individualised application to your personality and leadership type
Free download of a decision-making guide for a lifetime of saving time, money and face
Access to our team of coaches for additional EI Activation
MOAA insurance
Digital Certificate and Badge to add to your LInkedIn and Social Media Accounts

Get an exclusive sneak peak on our soon-to-be launched EI Activator Report
Meet the Founders behind this world-class, unique and one-of-a-kind Emotional Intelligence Report that is practical, hands-on and highly engaging!