Can you still remember your most brilliant idea?
Can you still remember your most brilliant idea? It was a product, a business or a goal that lit up your face and gave you hope for your future. The idea acted as an energy source that kept you on a path of progress, but for how long? Did you go all the way to the envisioned success, walked the red carpet, held the trophy and smiled blinking into the paparazzi’s flashing cameras?
You cracked the motivation code for that project – congratulations! If you can figure out why it worked, it will be more than a lucky feat you can’t repeat
We’re sorry it didn’t work out and we’re here to help you avoid revisiting the #pitofpity
When motivation runs out like a drained battery, you feel defeated and sometimes downright confused.
(It’s okay to admit that you almost howled at the moon, crying “Why? Why? Why?!”)
The thing is, “Why?” was the right question and this masterclass will unpack actionable answers to that question based on solid research.
Exclusive Benefits and Resources
A red carpet - no wait! not yet..
- 90 minutes of interactive motivation building with an experienced coach
- No empty "if you can dream it, you can do it" hype. The EIA (Emotional Inteligence Activator) Team hates empty hype; we love solid science
- Live implementation of our Motivation Calculator (MC) to discover your individual motivation mechanisms and drains. (We didn't thumb-suck the MC. We based it on research by Bandura, Skinner, Herzberg, Maslow, Alderfer, Locke & Latham, and Lunenberg
- Immediate application of the MC to your new dream, goal or business idea to make sure it doesn’t end up in the #pitofpity
- A free download of the MC Cheat Sheet to jumpstart a lifetime of sustained motivation
- Access to our team of coaches for additional EI Activation, because we know how to empower your potential and grow your life!
You need a jumpstart to believe in your goals again and to reach them every time!
Let's explore your unique model of achievement!
Book your seat today!
We'll get the paparazzi to stand by..

Don't wait.. book your seat today!
90-minute interactive motivation building masterclass
No empty hype - we bring solid experience
Immediate application of the Motivation Calculator (MC)
Jumpstart your MC with our easy-to-implement cheat sheet
Get access to and meet other EI Activator Team Members
Digital Certificate and Badge to add to your LInkedIn and Social Media Accounts

Get an exclusive sneak peak on our soon-to-be launched EI Activator Report
Meet the Founders behind this world-class, unique and one-of-a-kind Emotional Intelligence Report that is practical, hands-on and highly engaging!